Labor Day Firework Displays!

There's nothing quite like watching a spectacular firework display at the Lake. Weekend visitors and homeowners at the Lake of the Ozarks alike will make their way out to the various resorts this weekend to take in the incredible displays. Fran Campbell Team is here to provide you with all the insider info on the firework shows this weekend - don't miss out! Bear Bottom Resort Labor Day Fireworks Date: Saturday, September 1 Time: 9:45 pm Hwy 5 to 123 Bear Bottom Drive in Sunrise Beach View fireworks by land at Bear Bottom Resort or by water at the 38 Mile Marker. Parking is limited; Arrive early. Call for details: 573-374-6905 Celebration Cruises Bagnell Dam Sunset & Fireworks Cruise Date: Saturday, September 1 Time: Boarding 7:30 pm; Departure 8:00 pm; Return 10:00 pm Celebration Bagnell Dam: Next to Bagnell Dam on Bagnell Dam Blvd. in Lake Ozark Call for reservations and details: (573) 480-3212 Celebration Cruises Grand Glaize Fireworks Cruise Da...