Prep Your Home for a Winter Vacation in 8 Steps

Missouri winters can be unpredictable and many Lake of the Ozarks homeowners plan a vacation during our coldest months. If you’re hoping to relax and escape the Ozark chill, a winter getaway should do the trick - and when you’re miles from home, the last thing we want you to worry about is the safety of your home. Fran Campbell Team knows homes, condos and everything in between – let us share some simple tips to prepare your home for a vacation . Hold the News You don’t want to worry about a pile of newspapers in the driveway, it’s a sure sign of being absent from your home. If your mail is delivered to your home, contact your newspaper delivery company and stop service while you’re gone. Furthermore, contact your local post office and have them hold your mail. Light It Up A dark house stands out, especially in a neighborhood when all the other homes are lit up with activity. Before you leave, consider purchasing a timer and install it on a lamp in your home. It’s not a ...