Buying A Home: How Much Should You Offer?
When you go shopping in a department or grocery store, all of the items available for purchase have a price tag listing their exact costs. You choose whether or not to buy each item based on the individual prices. Shopping for homes at the Lake of the Ozarks is completely different. Each home comes with an asking price, but that price is very negotiable. The ultimate sale price will be depend on how much the buyer is willing to offer and how much the seller is willing to accept. The Negotiation Process When you find the home you want to buy, your first step is to submit an offer. Among other things, your offer should include: Suggested sale price Any furniture or miscellaneous items you want to be included in the sale Suggested closing date Any repairs that must be made before the closing date How much time the sellers have to respond to your offer From there, the sellers will review your offer and choose whether to accept, deny, or counter. If they counter, they may re...