Crockpot Cinnamon Almonds

Easy And Delicious Crockpot Cinnamon Almonds 1 Cup Sugar 1 Cup Brown Sugar 3 Tablespoons Cinnamon Dash of Salt 1 Egg White 2 Teaspoons Vanilla 3-5 Cups Almonds (or any nuts) 1/8 Cup Water Preparation: Mix together sugars, cinnamon, and salt. In another bowl beat together egg white and vanilla until just before soft peaks form. Stir almonds thoroughly into mixture. Stir almonds into the sugar mixture until all are coated well. Spray your crockpot with non stick spray. Add nuts to crockpot and set on low. Stir every 20-30 minutes for the next 2 hours. After two hours, add the water to the nuts and stir very well. Cook for 1 more hour, stirring after 30 minutes. Spread almonds so they can dry. Allow the almonds to completely cool and dry. Store them in a airtight container. We hope this recipe will help you enjoy the Holiday Season!! Happy Holidays from the Fran Campbell Team!! Contact the Fran Campbell Team to schedule ...