For Immediate Release Tuesday, August 31, 2010 Court Win is Victory for Voters: Missourians Will Have Opportunity to Vote "YES" to Stop Double Taxation Media Contact: Attorney Chuck Hatfield Office: 573-636-6827 573-636-6827 E-Mail: chatfield@stinson.com (Jefferson City, Mo.) – In a court victory for the rights of voters, Missourians will have an opportunity this fall to Vote "YES" to Stop Double Taxation. Cole County Circuit Judge Paul Wilson ruled Tuesday that the proposed state constitutional amendment barring transfer taxes on real estate received enough petition signatures from registered voters to appear on the Nov. 2 ballot. "There is no dispute that enough registered voters signed the initiative. The Vote 'YES' To Stop Double Taxation Committee showed conclusively in court that thousands of valid voter signatures were incorrectly thrown out by election authorities. We stood up for the rights of these voters to be counted, and the court has suppo...