Dock Safety At The Lake Of The Ozarks

The Lake of the Ozarks is an incredibly popular place to spend your summer, whether you're here on vacation or as a part-time or full-time resident. During the summer months, people travel to the Lake from around the Midwest to take advantage of much-needed time on the water. 

As we cruise through this summer, your trusted Realtors at the Lake of the Ozarks wanted to take a second to remind you to do your part to keep the Lake a happy and safe summer destination. 

Dock safety is an integral part of keeping the Lake safe. If you own a waterfront home on the Lake of the Ozarks, we strongly recommend you get your dock inspected for electrical safety once every year. 

The increased interest in dock electrical safety at the Lake of the Ozarks skyrocketed in 2012 after two children from Ashland, MO died of electric shock while swimming in the Lake, and an unrelated young woman fell victim to the same fate a few days later. 

Before these tragedies brought attention to the issue, many docks at the Lake had been wired twenty or thirty years ago and not thought about since. The fluctuating water levels and increased demand for electric power on the docks puts a serious strain on the old wiring, but few (if any) people think to check on it.

As the owner of a dock on the Lake of the Ozarks, you are required to have your dock inspected for electrical safety when...
  • a private boat dock is equipped with electrical power for the first time
  • revisions/updates were made to a dock with electrical power; or
  • when docks are moved to a different location.
Any of the local fire departments are capable of performing a dock inspection. Contact them today if you think your dock is due for an inspection!

Help us keep the Lake a safe, happy, and fun place to spend your summer vacation by spreading the word about dock electrical safety! Thank you!


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