The Fran Cambell Team helping the Lake Community

The Fran Campbell Team Helping the Lake Community

The RE/MAX Lake of the Ozarks Charitable Foundation recently approved a grant to the holiday food drive that Jane Kelly started a few years ago. The Foundation has taken over the food drive, and would like to invite all of you to participate in this event with us.

This year, we will be supporting the Hope House, Lamb House and CADV. Each of the wonderful charity's have given us a list of items that they are desperately in need of. The foundation will be taking $200 for each charity and buying food items/supplies that they have asked for. We hope you all will join with us and bring in additional items for the drive.

List of Items needed:

Lamb House- (Kid friendly food) Soups, canned pastas, canned meats, cookies, crackers, peanut butter & jelly, Ramon noodles, macaroni & Cheese, cereal etc. Also dry/paper goods- toilet paper, paper towels, etc. & Personal Care Items- Shampoo/Conditioner, soap, tooth brushes, tooth paste, etc.

Hope House- Hams, soups, canned pastas, canned meats, cookies, crackers, peanut butter & Jelly, macaroni & Cheese, cereal, etc, Paper Goods/Cleaning products- toilet paper, paper towels, laundry soap,etc. & Personal care items- shampoo/conditioner, soap, tooth brushes, tooth paste, diapers, wipes, etc.

CADV- diapers/wipes, shampoo/conditioner, soap, laundry soap, household cleaners, tooth brushes, tooth paste, hair brushes etc, Also food items- Hamburger helper, rice, beans, soups, non perishable food items, peanut butter & jelly, etc. They are also in need of sweat shirts, sweat pants, underwear, bras, socks, etc

Attached is a flyer we would also like to ask you to pass along to anyone you think might donate- ask your clients, companies you work with etc.

Ongoing Fran Campbell Team Community Efforts

Contact Fran Campbell Team at RE/MAX Lake of the Ozarks for all your Lake of the Ozarks real estate needs.
Fran Campbell Community Efforts

Fran Campbell Team
Lake of the Ozarks BEST Realtor


1-573-302-2390 Office
1-573-302-2388 Fax
1-573-280-1110 Cell
Best Realtor Lake of the Ozarks


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